January 2025

1. Happy New Year!! We pray today for our President, Annette Reich. Join us in praying that God will bless Annette with wisdom and all that she needs to lead Four Corners Home for Children in this new year.

2. Welcome Jason Nichols to our Four Corners Home for Children staff as our Director of Development. We are excited to welcome him to the FCHC ministry family!

3. We celebrate with Chuck Reich on his second anniversary of leading Navajo Nation Outreach. This FCHC ministry has grown tremendously over this past year. We thank Chuck for his hard work and dedication.

4. Happy Anniversary to Roger and Carol as they celebrate 53 years of marriage. Pray for each marriage represented by FCHC staff and volunteers to reflect Jesus’ love for His Church.

5. Pray for the pastors in the Four Corners area as they share God’s Word today in their individual churches. Pray for their messages to reflect the heart of God and His great love for all mankind, as well as bring conviction and encouragement in areas where change is needed.

6. Pray for our students as they return to school today at Four Corners Academy for Excellence and McCormick Elem. Pray for each student to stay healthy and to excel academically.

7. Pray for our maintenance team, Darrell, Isaiah, and Roger, as they serve our staff by working in the homes, offices, and on the ministry campus to keep everything working smoothly.

8. Pray for the natural parents of our children in residency. Ask God to direct them in the challenges they face. Pray for them to be receptive to the help and hope offered to them.

9. Happy Birthday J. This young man is new to the House of Faith and will be turning 11 yrs. old today. We are overjoyed to see how quickly he has adjusted to his new environment and his love for Christ.

10. Today the San Juan Leadership class members will meet on campus for their multi-cultural day. Pray for good connections to be made and a blessed day!

11. Pray for the spiritual growth of each child in our care. Some have been with us for only a short time and are learning new things about Christ each day. Others have made a commitment to Christ and seek His direction as they face peer pressure in their lives and make daily decisions.

12. Pray for the Navajo pastors across the Navajo Nation as they share God’s Word in their churches today. May their words bring encouragement and hope to all who hear.

13. Pray for our counselor, Kitrina, who faithfully counsels our children and provides them with direction and tools as they maneuver through life’s challenges.

14. Pray for Ms. Hope and Mrs. Jim as they teach our children at the Four Corners Academy for Excellence. Pray for the many volunteers who come in and instruct the children in Navajo language classes and many forms of music and art.

15. Pray for Charles, Christina, Bekah, and Carol as they work in the FCHC offices. They keep things running smoothly between accounting procedures, paperwork, mailings, answering phones, and greeting visitors who come to our Campus.

16. Pray for those in our community who are struggling with depression. The winter months can be difficult for them, and we pray that the ‘Joy of the Lord” will be the strength of all who need Him.

17. Pray for our Board of Directors as they meet together and share new visions and set new goals for this coming year.

18. Pray for the Navajo Nation and their President, Buu Nygren, and Vice President, Richelle Montoya. Pray for them to have Godly wisdom, strength, and courage as they fulfill their many responsibilities.

19. Pray for the youth pastors, house parents, teachers, and others as they provide a listening ear to our children. Pray for them to always point our children to God as the answer to whatever they may be facing.

20. We thank God for Charity, our Food Services Manager. She cooks the evening meal for our children and on-campus staff. Pray for her to be blessed as she serves our Ministry family.

21. Pray for Celebrate Recovery, a ministry of our Navajo Nation Outreach. Each Tuesday evening, this group gathers and is led by Pastor Chuck, our Outreach Coordinator. Pray for them to grow in their spiritual understanding.

22. Pray for the Persecuted Church throughout the world, as they face hardship, abuse, and even death in some regions. Ask God to strengthen them in their times of trial and help them shine as lights in the darkness where they live and minister.

23. Pray for Christina as she assists in the House of Faith. Pray she will have energy, patience, and all she needs to care for our children.

24. As this new year gets into full swing, we pray for all our equipment, computers, appliances, etc. to work well and provide longevity in our homes and offices. We thank God for His provision in extending their use.

25. Pray for the many homeless in our area as they wander the streets and spend cold nights outdoors. Pray specifically for a young lady, “M”, that she seeks shelter and would take advantage of the help that is offered to make life-changing decisions in overcoming addictions in her life.

26. Pray for Gerri Begay as she ministers to individuals and families across the Navajo Nation. Pray for the fellowship of Grace Community Church in Chinle, AZ where she pastors.

27. Pray for the needs of our donors who have requested prayer. Many have health concerns, financial needs, have lost loved ones, etc. These things weigh heavily on their hearts. Pray for God’s peace and provision in their lives.

28. Pray for the former children who lived at FCHC over the past 71 years. Many of the children who are now adults continue to keep in touch with us and refer to the ministry as home.

29. Happy Birthday Mandy! Pray for Isaiah and Mandy, house parents for the House of Faith. We pray they are able to have times of refreshing after giving so much of themselves to the children in their care.

30. Pray for Jim and Kay Baker who represent the ministry of FCHC in our area and wherever they are. We pray for their continued good health and that God will bless their retirement years.

31. Praise God for the many faithful friends and donors who support this ministry with their prayers, finances, and encouragement. Pray for God’s blessing in their lives during this new year.


Thank you for praying with us!


January. Statistically, more people grapple with depression in January than any other month of the year. The holidays are over, the bills come due, and the second and more challenging semester of school begins. Depending on what part of the world one calls home, January is cold and drab, with little to no sunshine. It is also long. January isn’t any longer than six other months of the year, but the different variables in January can create a struggle for people.

January has always been an exciting month for me. The old has gone; the new has come. It is a new month, a new year, and a new start! At Four Corners Home for Children, January 2025 is a new day! January 2 brings the arrival of Jason Nichols, our new Director of Development. Jason hails from Wisconsin, has lived in Farmington for almost four years, and is passionate about serving God by helping people. We are excited to have him on our ministry team.

Our January monthly letter will let you read more about Jason (and other new staff). We are eager to see what the rest of 2025 brings. As we focus on the many positive aspects of this new month, let’s pray for those struggling.

PRAYER FOCUS        ·      

  • The staff and children of Four Corners Home for Children thank you for your precious prayers for us and throughout the year 2024.

  • In the best of times and even in the difficult times, your prayers have sustained us and helped us

fulfill the call God has placed in our hearts to reach the Navajo people for Jesus.

  • Thank you for standing with us. We are blessed by your faithfulness.


provides hope and restoration to families in Navajoland through the following programs:

House of Faith | House of Hope | Four Corners Academy for Excellence | Four Corners Families | Navajo Nation Outreach