Jered & Hannah: God’s Plan

Photo by: Erin Gamboa

Photo by: Erin Gamboa

Hannah Begay, Graphic Designer for Four Corners Home for Children (FCHC), came to Farmington, New Mexico, in the fall of 2008, to work for the organization then known as “Navajo Ministries.” The trees’ leaves were beginning to turn from summer’s green to the beautiful autumn hues of olive, gold, orange, and scarlet. One difference then was Farmington’s fewer trees than in Hannah’s native Ohio. Another difference was her name. In 2008, she was Hannah Rodden; now, she is Hannah Begay. As the leaves changed colors and began to fall to the ground, Hannah had no idea what would “fall” into her life approximately ten years later.

Long before Hannah left Ohio for New Mexico, she lay sleeping in her bed one night and awoke from a dream. In her dream, she saw people standing around a table looking at a United States map and pointing to the Four Corners region. Hannah awoke in the middle of this dream only to fall asleep and continue dreaming. This time she saw many Native, Hispanic, and dark- skinned smiling faces filled with joy and laughter. One of those faces stood out to her. The face was of a Native American man wearing a cowboy hat. Hannah talks about the dream:

I would not be surprised if God used that dream to show me my future husband! Some things in that dream have come to pass, but I feel there is more to be fulfilled. God is not done with me yet!

Jered Begay was the youngest of four siblings in his family’s home in Kirtland, New Mexico. He had no firm foundation for knowing who God was. Jered did not know the Word of God and did not have a relationship with God. That changed in 2003 when, as a 19-year-old young man, Jered’s brother Ajay took him to a Promise Keeper’s conference in Denver, Colorado.

But let’s back up. Jered’s mother and father separated when Jered was around ten years old. Jered lived with his father in Kirtland and attended Central Consolidated Schools. The family did not attend church at that time, and Jered had no prompting to seek out a relationship with God. Jered hung out with friends after school, and by the age of 12, he was introduced to marijuana. Jered states that he smoked marijuana whenever he could get his hands on it and describes this time in his life as broken. His family was broken, he was broken, and smoking marijuana was a way to cope with life. Jered comments that substances took the edge off life. At 13 years of age, he took his first drink of liquor.

My first experience drinking alcohol was not a pleasant one. I got heavily intoxicated and became sick. I have no idea why I continued to drink, other than I liked how the alcohol made me feel.

Jered received his first DUI as a 17-year-old in his junior year at Kirtland High School. In retelling the story, Jered reacts as if it happened yesterday. He confesses that he was drinking and driving and totaled his father’s truck. Jered lowers his gaze and says:

Here we are, twenty years after the fact, and I still cannot believe I did that. I realized then that I had a problem. At 17 years old, I became entangled with the legal system. I had a police record and was placed on juvenile probation. I was enrolled in grade court and had to show my grades to a judge every week. If disciplinary action became necessary, the judge would step in. Potential disciplinary measures could be working community service on the weekends or even weekends spent in jail. Jered graduated from Kirtland High School in 2002 but continued drinking. He was not a partier but preferred to drink alone. Jered needed help. When Jered’s brother, Ajay, took him to a Promise Keepers conference in Denver, he had no idea what to expect. Jered describes it as an amazing experience:

There were 25,000 men in one arena worshipping God. The Spirit of God was so heavy; I could actually feel His presence. Something inside me wanted to change, and God’s Spirit propelled me forward to the altar. When I felt the Spirit tugging at me, I did not hesitate to move, and it was there that I gave my life to God.

Jered would like to say that everything changed from that moment on, but that is not his testimony. Alcohol had become an addiction for Jered, a stronghold in his life. He continued drinking after the Promise Keepers conference. Jered now had a relationship with Christ, and he felt conviction every time he took a sip of alcohol.

After accepting Christ, each time I drank, I felt God’s Spirit depart from me. If I took one vodka shot, I was miserable but continued drinking to get rid of that feeling. I knew I was not wrestling against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places (Ephesians 6:12 NKJV).

Jered believes his struggle with alcohol was not a physical battle but a spiritual one. As he continued drinking, he became more and more miserable. He received his first adult DUI at the age of 20. He was placed on probation and went through a 28-day treatment program. Shortly after completing the program, Jered received another DUI. Additional probation followed, but the stronghold continued to press in on him. Feeling weak and overwhelmed, he gave in. Jered received yet another DUI. This was the fourth overall DUI Jered received in his young life. At the age of 21, Jered found himself incarcerated. For the next nine months, Jered had time to reflect on his life and the path he was on. During those nine months in jail, Jered read his Bible every day. He led Bible studies and began to grow closer to the Lord.

I spent nine months in jail – it was a mission field for me. There were a lot of hurting men there, and I am still in touch with some of them.

Developing a deeper relationship with the Lord did not change the consequences of Jered’s actions. When his incarceration ended, he was placed on probation for 15 months, and five days after leaving jail, an interlock was installed on his car. For the next 14 years, every time Jered started his truck, he would be reminded of the destruction alcohol can bring to a person’s life.

Pulling down the stronghold of alcohol has been a battle for Jered, but he knows that the “weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds” (2 Corinthians 10:4 NKJV). I asked Jered to recall his decision to eliminate alcohol from his life, and the feelings that led up to that moment:

I realized that I wanted God more than alcohol. I wanted God and His plan for my life. I wanted God’s best for me. I simply no longer needed to drink. I had God, but now I wanted God to have me. I cannot rely on my own thoughts; I want to know more of God’s thoughts and heart. I want to know what is pleasing to God and for my life to be pleasing to Him.

As Jered was putting his life back together and deepening his relationship with Jesus, God was preparing his heart for a wife. The first time Jered saw Hannah Rodden was when he attended a church service at the Oasis, in Farmington, New Mexico, in 2011. Hannah was on the worship team, and when she appeared on the platform, Jered immediately noticed her. He was drawn to her but believed she would not be interested in him. Jered enjoyed the service and started attending Oasis regularly. He utilized his carpentry skills to help get the new building ready and became involved with the youth leadership team. Hannah was on the team as well. Jered realized that he was attracted to Hannah, but she was oblivious to him. After five years of working together at church, Jered asked her out. Hannah declined the invitation. A few more years went by, and Jered asked again. A second time, Hannah denied him. Jered took a step back, and Hannah started attending a different church. Jered felt that God had closed the door with Hannah, but he did not forget her.

Jered continued at Oasis, worshiping, serving God, and praying for God’s best for his life. He was asking God questions about his life – do you want me to pursue ministry? Do you want me to have a family? With each prayer, Hannah’s face would appear in Jered’s mind.

Jered and Hannah on their wedding day, April 28, 2018. Photo By: Mirabal Photography.

Jered and Hannah on their wedding day, April 28, 2018.

Photo By: Mirabal Photography.

Just a few miles from where Jered sat praying, Hannah was crying out to God for direction for her life. God had placed a strong desire within her to be a wife and mother. She had experienced broken relationships, which left her feeling hopeless. That December morning in 2016, Hannah confessed to God that she had been trying to make things happen in her life but was now letting go. She placed her future in God’s hands. She told Him that if He had someone chosen for her, He would have to make it happen. Possibly a chance encounter.

In the space of one week, I encountered Jered Begay in three weird, seemingly random places. I had not seen him in a year and a half. Now it was my turn to notice him! We began talking and enjoying our conversations. For the third time in eight years, Jered asked me out, and this time, I said, “Yes!” Our first date was on April 28, 2017, and we were married exactly one year later.

I interviewed Jered and Hannah for this article in July of 2020. Throughout our conversation, Jered mentioned their future and their family numerous times. When asked about his dreams and aspirations, Jered did not hesitate:

Lead pastor. God has called me to preach and to lead. God is equipping me to be a pastor. The Oasis is great training ground for future plans.

Paul said, “I am compelled to preach, woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!” (I Corinthians 9:16 NIV). Jered relates to that:

Jered ministering at the Oasis Church Photo By: Erin Gamboa

Jered ministering at the Oasis Church

Photo By: Erin Gamboa

I am compelled to preach. God has put that deep in my heart. Someday, I want to be the best pastor I can be for my congregation. When I think about that, pastoring and preaching, I come alive – that is what I was created to do. Jered’s words are a description of their future. Jered is a licensed minister with the Assemblies of God Church and is planning on graduating from Southwestern Assemblies of God University in 2023 with a degree in Church Leadership.

So what about family? The Begays have now been married for three years. Hannah has a strong desire to be a mother, and Jered adamantly states, “We will have children.” Little did we know on that July day in 2020, Hannah was already expecting their first child. God has a plan for their lives, and it is exciting to watch it play out!

By the time this magazine is placed in readers’ mailboxes, Hannah and Jered will be welcoming a little person into the world. The child they prayed for and God planned for them. Hannah comments:

Photo By: Erin Gamboa

Photo By: Erin Gamboa

This is only the beginning. God’s timing is perfect; we saw that in the way He brought us together. We wanted children since we got married but THIS is the child we prayed for and THIS is the child God planned for us.

I asked Hannah how Jered makes her better. She replied:

Jered sees things in me I do not see, and God uses him to reveal those things to me. He challenges me and is a refining tool in my life. He makes me feel safe and protected.

I asked Jered the same question about Hannah. He quickly answers: Hannah makes me want to try more; she makes me want to be better. She sees something in me, and I want to be that something that she sees. It is no longer just me; it is us. It is God’s story of us. When we have children, I want them to see Christ in us, in our family. We want to teach our children that God comes first. We want to teach them to glorify Him in all they do. We have seen hardship, and we want to teach our children that while life is not easy, God is faithful.

Well, Mr. and Mrs. Begay, it looks like you are going to get that chance.


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